
Posted by Blogking On 1:58 PM 0 comments
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Prince of Persia (Sands of Time)

Posted by Blogking On 9:01 AM 0 comments
Hi friends.Prince of Persia(the sands of time) has already stirred great excitement among all those who have already played the game. Well this game was developed by ubisoft in 2003 which went on to be a huge success and subsequently other sequels to this game were developed. The movie is entirely based on the same story which was set in the 9th Century of a young adventurous prince who has to stop a despot from unleashing a sandstorm which will destroy the universe. But all that is to be seen is that can this movie live up to our expectations since the game was a very huge success and quite a lot is expected of this movie.When i was searching the net about this movie, a found out some pictures of it and i have a feeling that the hero dastan( played by jake) looks much older to play a young prince and the villian Ben kingsley might just end up to be much more weird than needed. Lets wait and see what happens and i seriously hope this movie too does not end up like Resident Evil which was also an adaption from a game

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Spider Man 4

Posted by Blogking On 6:42 PM 0 comments

Hi Friends. Spiderman 4 is tentatively scheduled for may 2011. Laura Ziskin, (producer of spiderman) revealed that the release has been postponed from 2010 to 2011. And neither Tobey Maguire nor the director Sam Riami have been confirmed for this sequel yet. The Villian in this up coming movie has not yet been confirmed but Stan Lee( creator of Spiderman) expects the villian to be the lizzard or Doctor Connos because he is the only character who has been very vividly established in all the earlier parts. And so it is more or established that the lizard will be in Spider man4. Whether he will be the only Villian or whether he will join forces with someone else is yet to be seen. Apart from the lizzard, in my viewpoint the other probable villians could be Rhino,Hydroman or Vulture. Lets see wat is in store for us but as and when i can get my hands on any further news i will post it in the blog. Bye n KeepVisiting

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Terminator Salvation ( Part 4)

Posted by Blogking On 5:43 PM 0 comments

Terminator Salvation,the fourth movie in the terminator series is directed by McG and starts Christian Bale as john Connor. The latest news about this movie is that this is no more about time travel and a machine against another to save john like the earlier movies,but this is about mankind at war with machines. So i guess the theme is larger than life and expect that the movie would live up to our expectations. John Connor leads mankind in the war against SKYNET and it's army of terminators. Needless to say
John is no more the same old crying toddler as in the earlier Movies. John meets the stranger Marcus Right( a Hybrid b/n man and machine). Well it's upto John to decide whether Marcus has been sent from the future or rescued from the past, Whether he is a friend or a foe. That's all the news about the movie. Bye Friends n keep Visiting

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Pirates of Carribean 4

Posted by Blogking On 5:17 PM 0 comments
Well finally it has been confirmed that Jerry Bruckheimer and Disney are making a sequel to POC-III . Rumours has that Johnny Depp(Capt. Jack Sparrow) may end up making 35-40million dollars for the movie. Also that the previous cast and crew may no longer share screen space with him. Well this movie is not completely going to be based on the fountain of youth.Rather this plot may just serve to be the background for the main plot. It is expected that this new movie might be a departure for the same old formula used in the previous movies. It may end up to be a sort of a science fiction movie. Well this was something which i found very difficult to digest. Pirates + science Fiction , Well seems that this time Gore Verbinski might just end up messing up things badly. But all you Capt.Sparrow Fans dont be dissapointed because the script has not been finalised till date and the start date is not earlier than 2010,january. So lets hope that even this movie turns out to be a huge success again. As and when i find any new details about the movie, Iwill post it in the blog. Bye n keep Visiting.

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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Posted by Blogking On 6:22 AM 0 comments

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Harry Potter to be released on the 15th of july 2009, rides high on audience expectation. Well the promos of the movie has already made a very clear statement that " It's definitely Got much bigger n much better." The special effects seem to be absolutey breathtaking. Well i m looking forward to this movie quite anxiously. The latest news about the movie is that Harry Potter is gonna defeat the half blood prince in this movie. Now that we are just days away from the release date, Excitement is again in the air. WEll Friends i guess all of you might have seen the trailers of the movie and also guessed by now that maybe professor Snape has a much greater infuence on the story than we expected till now. But it remains a mystery as to what is his actual role. All of you who have read the novel please donot leak ittothe ones who have not. As for now
,this is all i can tell you guys. See you all after watching the movie. Bye friends.
