Pirates of Carribean 4

Posted by Blogking On 5:17 PM
Well finally it has been confirmed that Jerry Bruckheimer and Disney are making a sequel to POC-III . Rumours has that Johnny Depp(Capt. Jack Sparrow) may end up making 35-40million dollars for the movie. Also that the previous cast and crew may no longer share screen space with him. Well this movie is not completely going to be based on the fountain of youth.Rather this plot may just serve to be the background for the main plot. It is expected that this new movie might be a departure for the same old formula used in the previous movies. It may end up to be a sort of a science fiction movie. Well this was something which i found very difficult to digest. Pirates + science Fiction , Well seems that this time Gore Verbinski might just end up messing up things badly. But all you Capt.Sparrow Fans dont be dissapointed because the script has not been finalised till date and the start date is not earlier than 2010,january. So lets hope that even this movie turns out to be a huge success again. As and when i find any new details about the movie, Iwill post it in the blog. Bye n keep Visiting.

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