Terminator Salvation ( Part 4)

Posted by Blogking On 5:43 PM

Terminator Salvation,the fourth movie in the terminator series is directed by McG and starts Christian Bale as john Connor. The latest news about this movie is that this is no more about time travel and a machine against another to save john like the earlier movies,but this is about mankind at war with machines. So i guess the theme is larger than life and expect that the movie would live up to our expectations. John Connor leads mankind in the war against SKYNET and it's army of terminators. Needless to say
John is no more the same old crying toddler as in the earlier Movies. John meets the stranger Marcus Right( a Hybrid b/n man and machine). Well it's upto John to decide whether Marcus has been sent from the future or rescued from the past, Whether he is a friend or a foe. That's all the news about the movie. Bye Friends n keep Visiting

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